We also spent about a hour playing the snow as a family; made a snowman and went sledding in the back yard.
I guess February is going to have a relaxing end. And then it's on to serious work and training as March comes in like a lion.
The movie we watched was Crash. Overall it was a good movie and would be an interesting conversation piece. But I think as a whole the movie tried too hard to connect too many people and ended up feeling a little artificial as a result. I am big fan of events drawing diverse characters together, like Thirteen Conversations About One Thing or 11:14 or even Traffic. But in this case there was no event to link the the characters, as in Conversations or 11:14, but more of a theme like Traffic. Both Crash and Traffic have serious social themes, racism and drug abuse respectively, but while Traffic wove a tapistry of characters together into one story whose themes were expressed through use of lighting and color, Crash felt like it had scenes more set up to talk to the audience then to create a narrative, and used conicendience to force the viewer to look at themselves rather than organically reaching a new understanding, which I think would have been more powerful.
End result: enjoyable, important, but could have been better and done more.
3 of 5 stars.