Friday, January 16, 2009

Where did the week go?

Okay, I've been meaning to post about stuff all week. And I haven't even had time to put the pictures and video on my computer. So, I'll talk about work instead. I've just finished a video project for the Southern Tier AIDS Program's 25th anniversary media campaign. It's basically interviews that they're going to incorporate into their new web site for fund raising purposes. I've uploaded most of them to my youtube account as a playlist. Here's one I think turned out fairly well:

Well, it looks like the next moth is going to be fairly work heavy. But my hope is to get a short film done by the end of February. I am getting the score done for "Playing the Fool" next week, then that goes out to festivals. And I need to get a feature script done enough that I can get help with it from an editor.

Oh, well. At this point I just want direct a feature. Nothing epic, just something that runs about 90 minutes. I've got about 2/3 of a script for one done and an idea for another that I just have no idea how to start writing. The video contests (back in November) got me moving back in this direction. So let's say the goals are short film 1 is done and out to festivals by February 16. Second short film done by April 15. Feature at least in pre-production my May 2010.

That is if I don't get this job and move to Australia for 6 months.

1 comment:

Angelique said...

Great promotional video.