Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Aftermath of new electronics

So the new television yielded a BIG box and a TON of packing foam, formed into pieces not the loose peanut variety. My son has just about gotten all of the fun out of them, without passing the excessive mess line. I took some video of him and discovered that the LCD on the back of the digital camera is cracked and nonfunctional. So I shot the movies with a kind of point and hope approach. Time for a new camera, because I'll be shocked if you can replace teh LCD screen for less than buying a new camera.
Day 1 - short video:

Day 2 - LONG video

1 comment:

Angelique said...

Is that what he was trying to do with me the other day! Build a tower and fall into it... on purpose! I was afraid he would hurt himself and told him to be careful and move the foam out of the way. Tee hee.